Rust std::string::String <---> Swift String

Rust's std::string::String can be passed to Swift as an owned String, a referenced &String or a mutably referenced &mut String.

fn main() {
// Rust

mod ffi {
	extern "Rust" {
	    type SomeRustType;

	    // Becomes a `RustString` when passed to Swift.
	    fn make_string() -> String;

	    // Becomes a `RustStringRef` when passed to Swift.
	    fn make_ref_string(&self) -> &String;

	    // Becomes a `RustStringRefMut` when passed to Swift.
	    fn make_ref_mut_string(&mut self) -> &mut String;

        // Swift calls this with a `RustString` and
        // Rust receives a `std::string::String`.
	    fn take_string(string: String);

	extern "Swift" {
	    type SomeSwiftType;

	    fn make_rust_string() -> String;
	    fn make_swift_string() -> String;
// Swift

func make_rust_string() -> RustString {
    RustString("Good Day")

// Swift can return anything that implements the `IntoRustString` protocol.
// `swift-brdige` automatically implements this for Swift's `String` type.
func make_swift_string() -> String {
    "Hello World"


It is technically possible for us to automatically convert owned Rust std::string::Strings into Swift Strings, but we do not do this because it would require copying the Rust std::string::String bytes to a new Swift allocation.

This is because there is no way to construct a Swift String without copying.

swift-bridge seeks to avoid unnecessary allocations, so instead of performing an implicit allocation we pass a RustString type from Rust to Swift.

The RustString's .toString() method can then be called on the Swift side to get a Swift String.