
swift-bridge allows you to export Rust functions for Swift to use and import Swift functions for Rust to use.

fn main() {
mod ffi {    
    extern "Rust" {
        #[swift_name = "printGreeting"]
        fn print_greeting(name: &str);

    extern "Swift" {
        fn add(lhs: usize, rhs: usize) -> usize;

fn print_greeting(name: &str) {
    let sum = ffi::add(1, 2);
    println!("Hello {name}. 1 + 2 = {sum}!")
// Swift


func add(lhs: UInt, rhs: UInt) -> UInt {
    lhs + rhs

Async Rust Functions

swift-bridge supports async/await between Swift and Rust.

Calling an async Rust function from Swift is supported. Calling an async Swift function from Rust is not yet supported.

fn main() {
mod ffi {    
    extern "Rust" {
        type User;
        type ApiError;

        async fn user_count() -> u32;
        async fn load_user(url: &str) -> Result<User, ApiError>;
// Swift

let totalUsers = await user_count()

do {
    let user = try await load_user("")
} catch let error as ApiError {
    // ... error handling ...

Function Attributes


Used to generate a Swift initializer for Opaque Types.

fn main() {
// Rust

mod ffi {
    extern "Rust" {
        type RegularInitializer;

        fn new() -> RegularInitializer;

    extern "Rust" {
        type FailableInitializer;

        fn new() -> Option<FailableInitializer>;

    enum SomeError {

    extern "Rust" {
        type ThrowingInitializer;

        fn new() -> Result<FailableInitializer, SomeError>;
// Swift

let regularInitializer = RegularInitializer()

if let failableInitializer = FailableInitializer() {
    // ...

do {
    let throwingInitializer = try ThrowingInitializer()
} catch let error {
    // ...


Used to generate a Swift Identifiable protocol implementation.

fn main() {
// Rust

mod ffi {
    extern "Rust" {
        type SomeType;

        #[swift_bridge(Identifiable, swift_name = "someFunction")]
        fn some_function(&self) -> i16;
// Generated Swift
// (rough example, the real generated code looks a little different)

class SomeType {
    // ...
extension SomeType: Identifiable {
    var id: UInt16 {
        return self.someFunction()

#[swift_bridge(args_into = (arg_name, another_arg_name))]

Used to name the arguments that should have .into() called on them when passing them to their handler function.

One use case is for exposing a third-party type as a shared struct.

fn main() {
mod pretend_this_is_some_third_party_crate {
    // We want to expose this third-party struct as a shared struct.
    pub struct UniqueId {
        id: u64
use pretend_this_is_some_third_party_crate::UniqueId;

fn a_function (_some_arg: UniqueId, _an_arg: UniqueId, _cool_arg: u8) {
    // ...

mod ffi {
    struct FfiUniqueId(u64);

    extern "Rust" {
        // super::a_function does not take a `u64` or an `FfiUniqueId`,
        // but this still works since they both `impl Into<UniqueId>`.
        #[swift_bridge(args_into = (some_arg, an_arg))]
        fn a_function(some_arg: u64, an_arg: FfiUniqueId, cool_arg: u8);

impl From<u64> for UniqueId {
    fn from(id: u64) -> UniqueId {
        UniqueId {

impl Into<UniqueId> for ffi::FfiUniqueId {
    fn into(self) -> UniqueId {

#[swift_bridge(associated_to = SomeType)]

Indicates that we are exposing an associated function for a type.

fn main() {
// Rust

mod ffi {
    extern "Rust" {
        type Message;

        // Exposes Message::parse to Swift as Message.parse
        #[swift_bridge(associated_to = Message)]
        fn parse(text: &str) -> Option<Message>;

struct LongMessage(String);

impl LongMessage {
    fn parse(text: impl ToString) -> Option<Self> {
        let text = text.to_string();

        if text.len() > 10_000 {
        } else {
// Swift

func maybeSendLongMessage(text: String) {
    let maybeMessage = Message.parse(text)
    if let message = maybeMessage {
        // ... send the message


Allows you to return the value of an opaque Rust struct's field.

You can prefix the field name with & or &mut in order to return a reference or mutable reference to the field.

fn main() {
mod ffi {
    extern "Rust" {
        type SomeType;

        // Returns self.my_u8
        fn my_u8(&self) -> u8;

        // Returns &self.my_string
        fn my_string_reference(&self) -> &str;

pub struct SomeType {
    my_u8: u8,
    my_string: String,

#[swift_bridge(get_with(field_name = path::to::function))]

Allows you to pass an opaque Rust struct's field into a function and then return the value that that function returned.

You can prefix the field name with & or &mut in order to pass the field to the function by reference or mutable reference respectively.

fn main() {
use Clone;

mod ffi {
    extern "Rust" {
        type SomeType;

        // Returns ui_to_i16(self.my_u8)
        #[swift_bridge(get_with(my_u8 = u8_to_i16))]
        fn my_u8_converted(&self) -> u16;

        // Returns Clone::clone(&self.my_string)
        #[swift_bridge(get_with(&my_string = Clone::clone))]
        fn my_string_cloned(&self) -> String;

        // Returns string_to_u32(&self.my_string)
        #[swift_bridge(get_with(&my_string = string_to_u32))]
        fn my_string_parsed(&self) -> u32;

pub struct SomeType {
    my_u8: u8,
    my_string: String,

fn u8_to_i16 (num: u8) -> i16 {
    num as i16

fn string_to_u32(string: &str) -> u32 {

#[swift_bridge(label = "argName")]

Used to set the Swift argument label.

fn main() {
// Rust
mod ffi {
    extern "Rust" {
        fn add(
            #[swift_bridge(label = "leftHand")] 
            left_hand: i32,
            right_hand: i32,
        ) -> i32;

fn add(left_hand: i32, right_hand: i32) -> i32 {
    left_hand + right_hand
// Swift

let sum = add(leftHand: 10, 20)


Allows a swift-bridge definition of fn foo() -> T to work for any fn foo() -> impl Into<T>.

fn main() {
use some_other_crate::Uuid;

mod ffi {
	struct FfiUuid {
	    uuid: [u8; 16]

    extern "Rust" {
        fn make_uuid() -> FfiUuid;

impl From<Uuid> for ffi::FFiUuid {
	fn from(uuid: Uuid) -> ffi::FfiUuid {
	    unsafe { std::mem::transmute(uuid) }

use self::some_other_crate::make_uuid;
mod some_other_crate {
	pub struct Uuid {
	    uuid: [u8; 16]

    // Here we can return a Uuid, even though swift-bridge is expecting an FfiUuid.
    pub fn make_uuid() -> Uuid {

#[swift_bridge(return_with = path::to::some_function)]

Allows a swift-bridge definition of fn foo() -> T to work for a fn foo() -> U by passing T to a fn(T) -> U.

fn main() {
mod ffi {
    extern "Rust" {
        #[swift_bridge(return_with = some_module::convert_str_to_u32)]
        fn get_str_value_return_with() -> u32;

fn get_str_value_return_with() -> &'static str {

mod some_module {
    pub fn convert_str_to_u32(val: &str) -> u32 {

#[swift_bridge(rust_name = "function_name")]

Use the given rust_name to find the function's implementation.

fn main() {
mod ffi {
    extern "Rust" {
        #[swift_bridge(rust_name = "another_function")]
        fn some_function();

fn another_function() {

#[swift_bridge(swift_name = "functionName")]

Sets the function name that is used on the Swift side.

fn main() {
mod ffi {
    extern "Rust" {
        // Exports `some_function` as `someFunction`.
        #[swift_bridge(swift_name = "someFunction")]
        fn some_function();

    extern "Swift" {
        // Imports `anotherFunction` as `another_function`.
        #[swift_bridge(swift_name = "anotherFunction")]
        fn another_function();