Transparent Enums

You can define enums that can be created by both Rust and Swift.

fn main() {
// Rust

mod ffi {
    enum BarCode {
        Upc(i32, i32, i32, i32),
        QrCode {
            code: String

    extern "Rust" {
        fn get_link(code: BarCode) -> String;

    extern "Swift" {
        fn create_bar_code(upc: bool) -> BarCode;

fn get_link (code: BarCode) -> String {
    // ...
// Swift 

func create_bar_code(upc: Bool) -> BarCode {
    if upc {
        return BarCode.Upc(8, 85909, 51226, 3)
    } else {
        return BarCode.QrCode(code: "ABCDEFG")

Enum Attributes


fn main() {
mod ffi_1 {
    enum SomeTransparentEnum {

use ffi_1::SomeTransparentEnum;

mod ffi_2 {
    // The `already_declared` indicates that instead of creating a new enum
    // we should use super::SomeTransparentEnum;
    enum SomeTransparentEnum {}

    extern "Rust" {
        fn some_function() -> SomeTransparentEnum;

#[swift_bridge(swift_name = "...")]

Set the name that is used when generating the enum on the Swift side.

fn main() {
mod ffi {
    #[swift_bridge(swift_name = "RenamedEnum")]
    enum SomeTransparentEnum {