Why use Server Side Rendering

In recent years it has become popular for just about all of a web application to be rendered on the client.

Applications will often serve almost nothing but a <script> tag that loads up some front-end code (JavaScript and/or WebAssembly) and that front-end code is responsible for rendering the application's HTML and interactions.

Here's an example of what many of today's web application boil down to:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <div id='app'>
    <!-- application will render HTML here when it begins -->
    One this applications loads it will
    inject some HTML into the body
  <script src="/my-application.js"></script>

One downside to this approach is that a user must wait until the script begins rendering before seeing anything.

Let's illustrate:

Client side rendering
without server side rendering:

│   1) Client requests for web page   │
│2) Server responds with <script> tag │
│     3) Client downloads script      │
│4) Client parses the returned script │
│ 5) Client executes returned script  │
┌─────────────────────────────────────┐  User first
│ 6) Script starts rendering content  │◀─   sees
└─────────────────────────────────────┘   content

Contrast this with server side rendering, where the initial page load might look something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <div id='app'>
    This content was sent down from the server so
    that the user sees something immediately!

  <script src="/my-application.js"></script>

And the flow:

Server side rendering then client
takes over rendering:

│   1) Client requests for web page   │
│   2) Server responds with server    │  User first
│ side rendered content along with a  │◀─   sees
│            <script> tag             │   content
│     3) Client downloads script      │
│4) Client parses the returned script │
│ 5) Client executes returned script  │
│ 6) Script starts rendering content  │

Server side rendering allows you to show something to your users more quickly, especially so for users with slower machines and/or bandwidth.