Setting Inner HTML

You'll sometimes want to use a string of HTML in order to set the child nodes for an element.

For example, if you're creating a tool tip component you might want to be able to support setting tool tips using arbitrary HTML such as "Hello <strong>World!</strong>":

You can use the SpecialAttributes.dangerous_inner_html attribute to set inner html.

Note that it is called dangerous because it can potentially expose your application to cross-site scripting attacks if your application trusts arbitrary un-escaped HTML strings.


fn main() {
let tooltip_contents = "<span>hi</span>";

let mut div: VirtualNode = html! {
    .dangerous_inner_html = Some(tooltip_contents.to_string());

let div: Element = div.create_dom_node().node.unchecked_into();

assert_eq!(div.inner_html(), "<span>hi</span>");