Writing html!

Static text

Text that will never change can be typed right into your HTML

fn main() {
use percy_dom::prelude::*;

  <div> Text goes here </div>

Text variables

Text variables must be wrapped in braces.

fn main() {
use percy_dom::prelude::*;

let text_var = " world";

html! {
  Hello { <div> { text_var } </div> }


Attributes work just like regular HTML.

fn main() {
let view = html!{
  <div id='my-id' class='big wide'></div>

Event Handlers

fn main() {
html! {
      onclick=move|_event: web_sys::MouseEvent| {
      Click me!

Nested components

html! calls can be nested.

fn main() {
let view1 = html!{ <em> </em> };
let view2 = html{ <span> </span> }

let parent_view = html! {
    { view1 }
    { view2 }
      html! {
        Nested html! call

let html_string = parent_view.to_string();
// Here's what the String looks like:
// <div><em></em><span></span>Nested html! call</div>

Iterable Children

Any type that implements IntoIter can be used as a child element within a block.

fn main() {
let list = vec!["1", "2", "3"]
    .map(|item_num| {
      html! { 
          List item number { item_num }

html! {
  <ul> { list } >/ul>


You can use Rust comments within your HTML

fn main() {
html! {
  /* Main Div */
    <br />
    // Title
    <br />