
landon can export data from Blender's Principled BSDF shader node.

In the Rust API they're available through BlenderMesh#method.materials.

Currently the base color, metallic, roughness and normal map inputs are exported.

In general, if landon does not export something that you need please open an issue.

We support both uniform/scalar values and texture values for all inputs, with the exception of normal maps where no use cases for a scalar value come to mind.

Base ColorMetallicRoughnessNormal Map

* - metallic and roughness texture inputs must come through a Separate RGB node.

** - normal map textures must be inputted through a Normal Map Blender shader node.

Texture and scalar inputs can be mixed and matched.

For example, it's totally fine for your base color to be a uniform value and your metallic to come from a texture.

Texture Inputs

Here's an example of how to input a texture into each supported input field.

Note that this screenshot reads metallic and roughness from the same texture, but you can also read them from separate textures by using two Separate RGB nodes instead of one.

Texture material inputs

Scalar Material Inputs

Here's an example of how to input uniform values into the supported input fields. Simply set your desired values in Blender's Principled BSDF shader node and they'll be exported.

Uniform material inputs