Changed Flags

Say you have a real-time application that delta compresses the following type.

fn main() {
struct MyStruct {
    water_droplets: Vec<WaterDroplet>

struct WaterDroplet([f32; 3]);

At first you were simulating the Sahara Desert and things were going smoothly.

Now, however, you're simulating a section of the River Niger and your water_droplets vector can sometimes contain over 10,000 droplets.

Its currently an ice age, so these droplets don't move around very much and so your data structure rarely changes.

Because delta encoding lists is O(M * N) time complexity where M and N are the lengths of the two lists, you'd like to avoid delta encoding this data structure if possible.

fn main() {
use dipa::ChangeFlagged;

struct MyStruct {
    water_droplets: ChangeFlagged(WaterDroplet)

struct WaterDroplet([f32; 3]);

Now if MyStruct.water_droplets.changed() == false the underlying vectors will not be diffed.

NOTE: ChangeFlagged has not been implemented yet. If you need it please open an issue.