Implementing Patchable

Here's a look at the Patchable trait.

fn main() {
pub trait Patchable<P> {
    fn apply_patch(&mut self, patch: P);

P is the delta encoding that was generated by the Diffable.create_delta_towards method.

Different types will have different patches that need to be applied in different ways.

Let's talk a look at an i128, one of the more trivial Patchable types.

fn main() {
implement Patchable<Option<i128>> for i128 {
	fn apply_patch(&mut self, patch: Option<i128>) {
		if let Some(patch) = patch {
		    *self = patch;

Here's a slightly more complex example patch function.

fn main() {
enum CustomPatchExample {

// This is not how the real implementation for i128 looks.
implement Patchable<CustomPatchExample> for i128 {
	fn apply_patch(&mut self, patch: CustomPatchExample) {
		match patch {
			CustomPatchExample::Replace(new) => {
			    *self = new;
			CustomPatchExample::Add(add) => {
			    self += add as i128;