
Note: The book is a work in progress. Some chapters are empty placeholders that will be filled in over time.

Percy a collection of libraries for building interactive frontend browser apps with Rust + WebAssembly.

Percy supports server side rendering out of the box.

Percy is not yet ready for production (unless you're incredibly brave), but if you're interested in using it for real things you can watch the development progress..

What is Percy?

Percy is a toolkit geared towards building single page web apps entirely in Rust that can also be rendered at the server.

This allows you to build search engine friendly browser applications in Rust.

A snippet

use percy_dom::prelude::*;

// Percy supports events, classes, attributes a virtual dom
// with diff/patch and everything else that you'd expect from
// a frontend toolkit.
// This, however, is just the most basic example of rendering
// some HTML on the server side.
fn main () {
  let some_component = html! {
    <div class="cool-component">Hello World</div>

  let html_string = some_component.to_string();
  println!("{}", html_string);


Percy is very young and going through the early stages of development. Our roadmap is is mainly led by Real World Driven Development.

This means that we're using Percy to build a real, production web app and ironing out the kinks and fixing the bugs as we go.

Once the tools have stabilized and we've settled into a clean structure for Percy applications we'll publish a CLI for generating a production-grade starter project with everything that you need to get up and running.

Check out the Percy issue tracker and maybe open a couple of your own!

Notable Features

Percy is still young, so the feature set is still growing and maturing. At the moment:

  • An html! macro that generates a virtual dom that can can be rendered into a DOM element on the frontend or a String on the backend.

  • CSS in Rust - Optionally writing your CSS styles right next to your html! components instead of in separate CSS/Sass/etc files.