Crate blender_armature[−][src]
Data structures and methods for dealing with armatures.
@see - Armature Introduction
Action | A set of keyframes along with metadata such as pose markers. |
ActionKeyframes | All of the keyframes in an action. |
BlenderArmature | All of the data about a Blender armature that we’ve exported from Blender. A BlenderArmature should have all of the data that you need to implement skeletal animation. |
BoneKeyframe | The transformation for a bone at a particular time |
BoneKeyframes | The keyframes for the transformations for a bone |
CoordinateSystem | A coordinate system is used to make sense of coordinates. |
FrameOffset | Describes some number of frames to offset from some other frame. Useful for sampling keyframes. |
Keyframe | The pose bones at an individual keyframe time |
SampleDesc | Describes how to sample animation keyframes |
SortedKeyframes | Keyframes sorted in ascending frame order |
Axis | |
BlenderError | Something went wrong in the Blender child process that was trying to parse your armature data. |
Bone | A bone in an armature. Can either be a dual quaternion or a matrix. When you export bones from Blender they come as matrices - BlenderArmature lets you convert them into dual quaternions which are usually more favorable for when implementing skeletal animation with rigid transformations. |
FlattenArmatureError | An error when trying to flatten your exported data across multiple files into one HashMap of armature name to armature data. |
Hand | Represents the orientation of the coordinate system using the right hand rule. |
JointIndicesRef | The joints to sample. |
blend_towards_bones | Blend from the start bones towards the ending bones. |
flatten_exported_armatures | Convert ArmatureeshByFilename into a HashMap<ArmatureName, BlenderArmature> that flattens all of the armatures across all of the files into one HashMap. |
get_surrounding_keyframes | If you’re sampling frame 1.5 and there are three keyframes - 0, 2, 3 the surrounding keyframes are 0 and 2. |
interpolate_bone | Interpolate from the start to the end bone using the given amount between [0.0, 1.0] inclusive. |
interpolate_dual_quats | Interpolate from the start to the end bone using the given amount between [0.0, 1.0] inclusive. |
linear_200_milliseconds | Returns 0.0 if no time has elapsed. Returns 0.5 if 100 milliseconds have elapsed. Returns 1.0 if >= 200 milliseconds have elapsed |
parse_armatures_from_blender_stdout | Given a buffer of standard output from Blender we parse all of the armature JSON that was
written to stdout by |
Type Definitions
ArmaturesByArmatureName | |
ArmaturesByFilename |